Friday, August 10, 2018


The aesthetic calculator is the ideal male measurements attainable naturally.
It is a body build that is based on exact proportion that rhyme and make the body appear ideal.
I study aesthetic and I realized it can be archived. Hard work and diet with proper attention to all muscles evenly, to create the Greek God body

It requires knowledge of the muscles and joints and a good workout routine. And lots of patience. A good meal plan and lots of sleep is also needed. 

Low body fat due to a good diet is the key to seeing the definition and weight training is the secret to size. Put the two together and you can get the Greek God body you want. 

The body of yours dream is just a few tips away. 

1: intermediate fasting 
2: training each muscle twice a week 
3: 6-8 hours of sleep 
4: post workout meals
5: progressive overload. 

These are few tips I use like a Bible to give me the body you see. Hard work gives results. 

Getting a personal trainer will push you to the limit. And learn to be happy. Now here is the Aesthetic calculator I use



1. Hook your feet under the pad and sit on the decline bench with your torso upright.
2. Lower your torso backward until it is almost parallel to the floor.
3. Return to the upright position by bending at the waist.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Quadriceps, hip flexors.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: You may hold your hands together behind your lower back, cross them in front of your chest, or interlock them behind your head. As your hands shift position from your lower back to your chest to your head, the relative resistance increases.
Foot position: Secure your feet under a roller pad or comparable support.
Body position: Bend your knees to reduce stress on the lower back.
Range of motion: Your torso should be vertically upright in the sitting position, with your abdomen almost touching the thighs. Lower your torso backward until it is almost parallel to the floor, about three-quarters of the way down. Do not lean back too far, because when tension is released from the abdominals, stress is placed on the lower back.
Trajectory: Tilting the bench at a steeper angle makes the exercise more difficult.
Resistance: Add resistance by tilting the bench at a steeper angle or holding a weight plate on your chest.
Floor Sit-Up You can perform this exercise while seated on the fl oor with your knees bent and your feet secured on the floor.
floor sit-up
Additional variation:
Twisting sit-up: See description of Twisting Sit-Up


1.Lie flat on the floor, hips bent at 90 degrees, with hands behind your head.
2.Raise your shoulders off the floor, crunching your chest forward, keeping your lower back in contact with the floor.
3.Lower your shoulders back to the star tposition.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectusabdominis(upper).
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: You may position your hands at your sides or across your chest, or you may interlockthembehindyourhead.Asyourhands shiftpositionfromyoursidestoyourchesttoyourhead,theresistance increases.
Foot position:Youmayplaceyourfeetonthefloorclosetoyourbuttocksor elevatethemonabench.Resistanceisincreasedwithyourlegselevated.
Body position: Your thighsshouldbebentatanangleof90degreestoyour torso.Yourlowerlegsmaybesupportedontopofaflatbench,oryour feetcanbepositionedonthefloorclosetoyourbuttocks.
legs supported sit-up
Range of motion: The crunch motion occurs in the upper spine, and your shoulders rise a few in chesoff the floor.Your lower back remains in contact with the floor, and there is no motion at the hips. This is in contrast to the sit-up, where the movement occurs at the waist and hips.
Resistance: You can increase the degree of difficulty by placing your hands behind your head or by elevating your legs on a bench.
Reverse crunch: See description of Reverse Crunch.
Oblique crunch: See description of Oblique Crunch

Rope Crunch

rope crunch
1. Kneel on the fl oor beneath a high pulley, and grab the rope attachment with both hands behind your head.
2. Crunch the weight downward, curling your torso and bending at the waist.
3. Return to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Obliques, serratus anterior.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Your hands may hold the rope above your head, on either side of your head, or in front of your upper chest. The higher your hands are held, the greater the diffi culty.
Body position: You may perform this exercise while facing toward or away from the weight stack, depending on personal preference.
facing pulley
Range of motion: Your torso should move from the upright position to almost parallel with the fl oor.
Trajectory: If you position yourself a short distance away from the pulley, you will benefi t from a greater range of motion when you crunch.
Resistance: Alter resistance by adjusting the weight stack.
Facing pulley Machine rope crunch: A variety of machines replicate the rope crunch, where your back is supported while you sit or stand to perform the exercise.

Machine Crunch

machine crunch
1. Sit in the seat, grasp the handles, and place your feet under the ankle pads.
2. Crunch down, curling your torso toward your knees.
3. Return to the upright position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Obliques, serratus anterior.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Depending on the machine’s design, your hands grasp handles alongside your head, or your hands simply rest on the chest pad.
Foot position: Feet may be positioned on the fl oor or hooked under ankle pads, depending on the machine’s design.
Body position: On some machines the handles provide resistance, while on other machines resistance is transmitted via a chest pad.
Range of motion: Your torso should move from the upright position to almost parallel with the fl oor.
Resistance: Depending on the machine’s design, you move the weight by holding on to handles or moving a chest pad. Adjust the weight stack to vary the resistance.
Machine Crunch With Chest Pad On some abdominal machines, the resistance is provided by way of a chest pad.
machine crunch with chest pad

Incline Leg Raise

Incline Leg Raise
1. Lie supine on an inclined abdominal bench with your legs down.
2. Raise your legs at the hips and pull your thighs toward your chest, keeping your knees slightly bent.
3. Slowly lower your legs back down to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis (lower).
Secondary: Obliques, hip fl exors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris).
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Your hands function to stabilize your torso by grasping the bench or handles above your head.
Foot position: Keep your feet together, knees slightly bent.
Body position: Your upper torso should remain in contact with the bench. As you raise your legs up, lift your pelvis off the bench slightly to maximize contraction in the lower abdominals.
Range of motion: To maximize muscle contraction on the way up, raise your knees as high as possible toward your chest. To keep tension on the abs, do not lower your legs all the way down or allow your feet to touch the f loor.
Trajectory: The angle that the bench makes with the fl oor affects the degree of diffi culty. Titling the bench at a steeper angle makes the exercise harder.
Resistance: Decrease the incline by lowering the bench to reduce resistance, or increase the incline by raising the bench to increase resistance.
Incline Leg Raise With Weight This exercise can be performed holding a dumbbell between your feet for added resistance.
Incline Leg Raise With Weight

Hanging Leg Raise

Hanging Leg Raise
1. Hang from a chin-up bar using your hands, or place your elbows in a pair of ab slings (these attach to the bar to support your body weight); your legs hang down.
2. Lift both knees, together and slightly bent, toward your chest.
3. Slowly lower your legs back down to the start position without swinging.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Obliques, hip fl exors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris).
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Take a shoulder-width overhand grip on the chin-up bar and hang with your arms straight. Alternatively, use a pair of supportive upperarm sleeves, like the ab sling device.
Foot position: Keep your feet together, knees slightly bent.
Body position: Your torso should hang vertical, perpendicular to the fl oor.
Range of motion: Raise your knees as high as possible to maximize muscular effort. As you lower your legs down, keep your knees slightly bent to maintain tension on the abs.
Trajectory: As you raise your legs up, lift your pelvis to maximize contraction in the lower abdominals.
Resistance: The exercise is harder if you try to keep your legs straight. The more you bend your knees, the easier the exercise becomes.
Vertical Leg Raise On this apparatus, your back is supported against a backrest and your elbows rest on pads. This version prevents the legs and torso from swinging.
Vertical Leg Raise


1. Sit on the edge of a fl at bench, legs hanging down with knees slightly bent, and grip the bench behind you.
2. Raise your knees up toward your chest, keeping your legs together.
3. Lower your legs back down until your heels almost touch the fl oor.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Obliques, hip fl exors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris).
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Grasp the bench behind your hips for support.
Foot position: Keep your feet together and knees slightly bent.
Body position: Lean back slightly so that your torso makes a 45- to 60-degree angle with the bench.
Range of motion: Raise your knees up until your thighs almost touch your abdomen. As you lower your legs down, stop before your heels make contact with the fl oor to keep tension on the muscles.
Trajectory: Leaning your torso back allows you to increase the range of motion.
Resistance: Hold a small dumbbell between your ankles to add resistance.

knee-Up Side view

Reverse Crunch

Reverse Crunch
1. Lie on a fl at bench, position your feet so you have a 90-degree bend at your knees and hips, and grasp the bench behind your head for support.
2. Lift your pelvis off the bench until your feet point to the ceiling.
3. Lower your legs back to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Obliques, hip flexors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris).
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Put your hands behind your head and grasp the bench for support.
Foot position: In the start position, your thighs should be vertical and your lower legs parallel to the bench so that you have a 90-degree bend at your knees and hips. Keep your feet and legs together.
Body position: Keep your upper torso in contact with the bench.
Range of motion: Contract your lower abs to lift your pelvis up off the bench, raising your legs until your toes point to the ceiling.
Hip Flexor Machine Hip fl exor machines allow you to perform a supine leg raise variation of the reverse crunch with resistance in the form of a strap across your lower thighs.

hip Flexor Machine

Twisting Sit-Up

Twisting Sit-Up
1. Sit on the decline bench, hook your feet under the pad, lean back, and position your hands behind your head.
2. As you sit up, twist your torso, directing your right elbow toward your left knee.
3. Lower back down to the start; during the next repetition direct your left elbow toward your right knee.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Rectus abdominis, obliques.
Secondary: Serratus anterior, hip fl exors.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Position your hands behind your head.
Foot position: Your feet must be secured under a roller pad or comparable support.
Body position: Knees should be bent to reduce stress on the lower back.
Range of motion: Your torso should be vertically upright in the top position, with one elbow almost touching the opposite knee. Lower your torso backward until almost parallel to the fl oor, about three-quarters of the way down. If you lean back too far, tension is released from the abdominal muscles and more stress is placed on the lower back.
Trajectory: Tilting the bench at a steeper angle makes the exercise harder.
Resistance: Increase resistance by tilting the bench at a steeper incline or holding a small weight plate behind your head.
Broomstick Twist
Sit upright on the edge of a fl at bench while holding a broomstick behind your neck. Twist your upper body from side to side. When you twist to the right, feel the right oblique muscles contract, and vice versa.
Broomstick Twist

Oblique Crunch

Oblique Crunch
1. Lie on your left side, knees bent together, right hand behind your head.
2. Slowly lift your upper body by contracting your right-side obliques.
3. Lower your torso back down.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Obliques, rectus abdominis.
Secondary: Serratus anterior.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Place your upper-side hand behind your head and rest the other hand over your knee for balance. Do not pull your neck up with your hand.
Foot position: Position your feet so that you have almost a 90-degree bend at your knees and hips. Keep your legs together.
Body position: Lie on your left side to work the right obliques, and then switch to lie on your right side to work the left obliques. Perform this exercise on a cushioned exercise mat placed on the fl oor.
Range of motion: Your torso crunches 30 to 45 degrees upward from the f l oor.
Incline Oblique Crunch Use an incline abdominal chair. Secure your feet on the support platform and lean back sideways into the seat, resting on one buttock only. Place your uppermost hand behind your head, and crunch your torso upward.
Additional variation:
Machine oblique crunch: Perform this while sitting obliquely in the seat of a crunch machine, working one side at a time.
Incline Oblique Crunch

Cable Oblique Crunch

Cable Oblique Crunch
1. Grab a D-handle attached to the high pulley of a cable machine.
2. Crunch downward, directing your elbow toward the opposite knee.
3. Slowly return to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Obliques, serratus anterior.
Secondary: Rectus abdominis.
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Your hand should grasp the handle above or alongside your head.
Foot position: You may perform this exercise while standing, kneeling, or sitting.
Body position: You can perform this exercise while facing toward or away from the weight stack, depending on personal preference.
Range of motion: Your torso should move from the upright position to almost parallel with the fl oor.
Resistance: Alter resistance by adjusting the weight stack.
Standing Oblique Cable Crunch
Stand sideways to the weight stack, grab the D-handle attached to a high pulley with your nearside hand, and crunch downward, directing your elbow to the hip.
Additional variation:
Rope oblique crunch: Holding the rope attachment with both hands (as described: Rope Crunch), crunch with a twist to one side and then the other to work the obliques. The motion is similar to that used during twisting sit-ups.

Standing Oblique Cable Crunch

Dumbbell Side Bend

dumbbell Side Bend
1. Stand upright while holding a dumbbell in your left hand and place your right hand behind your head.
2. Bend your torso to the left side, lowering the dumbbell toward your knee.
3. Straighten your torso upright, contracting the right oblique muscles.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Obliques, serratus anterior.
Secondary: Rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum
Anatomic Focus
Hand position: Hold a dumbbell at arm’s length by your side in one hand, and place the other hand behind your head.
Foot position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Body position: When you bend to the right side, you work the left obliques, and vice versa.
Range of motion: Your torso should bend approximately 45 degrees or until the dumbbell becomes level with your knee.
Trajectory: Your torso should move directly sideways without leaning to the front or back.
Resistance: Avoid using a heavy dumbbell for this exercise. Large overdeveloped oblique muscles will make your waist appear bulky.
Cable Side Bend
Use a D-handle attached to a low pulley and stand side-on to the weight stack.

Cable Side Bend

Dumbbell Pullover

dumbbell Pullover
1. Lie with your upper back resting across a fl at bench; hold a dumbbell straight above your chest.
2. Lower the dumbbell down and backward until it reaches bench level, inhaling deeply and stretching your rib cage.
3. Pull the weight back up to the vertical position, exhaling as you do so.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Serratus anterior, intercostals, latissimus dorsi.
Secondary: Pectorals, triceps.
Anatomic Focus
Grip: Hold the dumbbell by placing your palms against the inside of the weight plate at one end, making a diamond shape around the bar with your thumbs and index fi ngers.
Body position: Your torso should remain still and parallel to the fl oor, with your upper back resting on the bench and your feet fi rm on the fl oor for stability.
Range of motion: The dumbbell moves through an arc of about 90 degrees. Aim for a full stretch in your rib cage as the weight is lowered.
Resistance: Do not use a heavy weight, because the shoulder joint is vulnerable to injury during this exercise. This is not an exercise for the oblique muscles. It is included in this section because the serratus anterior is worked during most oblique exercises.
Barbell Pullover
This is the same exercise using a barbell. Machine pullover is another variation.
Barbell Pullover


Leg Extension

Leg extension
1. Sit on machine and place ankles under the roller pads.
2. Raise legs upward until knees are straight.
3. Lower legs back down to start position, knees bent 90 degrees.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Tibialis anterior.FemurPatellaTibiaFibulaRectus femorisVastus medialisVastus intermedius (rectus femoris removed)Vastus lateralisSTARTFINISH
Anatomic Focus
Foot position: Pointing your toes directly upward (a) hits all sections of the quadriceps equally. Pointing your toes inward (b) internally rotates the tibia to target the inner quad “teardrop” (vastus medialis). Pointing your toes outward (c) externally rotates the tibia to hit the outer quad (vastus lateralis).
foot positions
Foot spacing: There isn’t much space on the roller pads to adjust foot spacing, but placing your feet close together will tend to target the outer quad, and a wider spacing will focus a little more on the inner quad.
Body position: Adjust the backrest so that the back of your knee fi ts snugly against the front edge of the seat and your whole thigh is supported. Leaning your torso backward or raising your buttocks off the seat extends the hip joint stretching the rectus femoris, making this section of the quad work harder during the exercise.
Range of motion: The arc of motion should be approximately 90 degrees. Forcibly contract the quadriceps at the top when the knees are fully straight. To avoid excess stress on the patella (kneecap), do not bend the knees beyond 90 degrees.
Resistance: Resistance is fairly uniform, but on many new machines the resistance increases slightly as the weight is raised up. Less resistance at the start position minimizes stress across the kneecap with the knee bent.
One-leg extension: Performing this exercise one leg at a time improves focus. The unilateral leg extension is particularly useful for improving thigh asymmetry or aiding in rehabilitation when one leg is injured.

Barbell Squat

barbell squat
1. Stand with a barbell across your shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Slowly bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the fl oor.
3. Straighten your legs to return to the start (upright) position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Quadriceps, gluteals.
Secondary: Hamstrings, adductors, spinal erectors, abdominals.
Anatomic Focus
Foot spacing: A narrow stance (a) shifts focus to the outer quads (vastus lateralis) and abductors (tensor fascia latae). A shoulder-width stance (b) targets the whole thigh. A wider stance (c) places more emphasis on the inner quads, adductor muscles, and sartorius.
stance widths
Foot position: Your toes should point in the same direction as your thigh and knee: forward or slightly outward.
Positioning: Placing a 1-inch (2.5 cm) block under both heels shifts the weight forward, placing more emphasis on the quads and less on the gluteals. This adjustment is also useful for those with less fl exible ankles and hips.
Positioning the bar lower on the trapezius and shoulders improves balance while shifting focus to the gluteals; it is a technique used by powerlifters to lift more weight.
Body position: Keep your spine straight and head up at all times. Ensure your hands are placed equidistant from the center of the bar, and maintain a f i rm grip throughout the movement. Inhale deeply during the downward phase and exhale on the way up. Do not bend your torso forward, because this can cause back injury.
Range of motion: As the weight is lowered, stop when your knees bend to a 90-degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the fl oor. Squatting below parallel increases the risk of knee and spine injury.
Front squat: Performing the squat with the barbell held across the front of your shoulders shifts the emphasis to the quads, away from the gluteals. The front squat poses a higher degree of diffi culty and requires lighter weights.
front squat
Machine squat: Performing this exercise using a machine, such as a Smith machine, helps balance and improves safety.

Leg Press

leg press
1. Sit in the leg press machine and place your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate.
2. Slowly lower the weight until your knees bend to 90 degrees.
3. Push the weight back to the beginning position by straightening your legs.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Gluteals, hamstrings, adductors.
Anatomic Focus
Foot position: Placing your feet low on the footplate (a) emphasizes the quadriceps. Positioning your feet higher on the footplate (b) switches the focus to the gluteals and hamstrings.
Foot spacing: Placing your feet shoulder-width apart targets the whole thigh. A wider foot spacing (a) places more emphasis on the inner quads (vastus medialis), adductor muscles, and sartorius. Placing your feet close together (b) shifts focus to the outer quads (vastus lateralis) and abductors (tensor fascia latae).
foot positions and spacing
Trajectory: Pushing the weight up using the balls of your feet and allowing your heels to rise off the footplate as the weight is lowered will target the quads and reduce load across your kneecap. Pushing the weight through the heels of your feet targets the hamstrings and gluteals.
Body position: The angle your torso makes with your legs infl uences muscular focus and the amount of stress through your lower back. When the angle between the seat and back rest is 90 degrees, emphasis is placed on the gluteals and hamstrings, but this acute angle places more stress on your lower back. If the backrest is tilted lower toward the fl oor, your torso leans back; this places less stress across your lower spine and places more emphasis on the quads. a b a b
Foot positions
Foot spacing
Range of motion: Stopping a few degrees short of full lockout at the top keeps tension on the quads.
Resistance: In comparison with the barbell squat, the seated leg press reduces the axial load on your spine and reduces the risk of backache. Furthermore, the leg press emphasizes the quadriceps, not the gluteals.
One-leg press: Performing this exercise one leg at a time is useful in focusing effort on a lagging thigh or protecting a leg when it is injured.

Hack Squat

hack squat
1. Place your back against the backrest and shoulders under the pads, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate, toes pointing forward.
2. Slowly lower the weight, bending your knees to 90 degrees.
3. Push the weight back to the beginning position by straightening your legs.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Gluteals, hamstrings, adductors.
Anatomic Focus
Foot spacing: Placing your feet shoulderwidth apart (a) targets the whole thigh. A wider foot spacing (b) places more emphasis on the inner quads, adductor muscles, and sartorius. Placing your feet close together (c) shifts focus to the outer quads (vastus lateralis) and abductors (tensor fascia latae).
foot spacing
Foot position: Your toes should point in the same direction as your thigh and knee: forward or slightly outward. Placing your feet low on the footplate (close to your body) emphasizes the quadriceps, whereas placing your feet higher on the footplate requires more effort from the gluteals and hamstrings.
Trajectory: Pushing the weight using the forefoot and allowing your heels to rise off the footplate as the weight is lowered helps isolate the quads and reduces stress across the kneecaps. a b c
Body position: Keep your spine fl at against the backrest. Range of motion: Stopping a few degrees short of full lockout at the top keeps tension on the quads.
Resistance: In comparison with the barbell squat, the hack squat backrest provides support to your spine. Furthermore, the hack squat places more emphasis on the quadriceps and less on the gluteals.
Dumbbell squat: Squatting while holding dumbbells at arms’ length at your sides is a variation that combines elements of the barbell squat and the hack squat, but your grip is the weakest link.
Reverse hack squat: Performing the hack squat while facing the machine switches the focus to the gluteals and hamstrings.


1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart while holding two dumbbells at arms’ length by your sides.
2. Step forward and bend the knee until your leading thigh is parallel with the f loor.
3. Return to the start position and repeat, using the opposite leg.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Quadriceps, gluteals.
Secondary: Hamstrings, adductors.
Anatomic Focus
Foot spacing: A stable, shoulder-width stance works best to maintain balance.
Foot position: Point your toes straight ahead or slightly outward as you step forward. The back foot stays fi xed to the fl oor in the same spot.
Trajectory: Take a shorter step (lunge) to target the quadriceps. A larger step places the emphasis on the gluteals and hamstrings.
Body position: As you lunge forward, place your body weight on the leading leg. Keep your torso upright and your back straight.
Range of motion: During the lunge, your knee should bend 90 degrees, with your thigh parallel to the fl oor.
Resistance: The lunge requires a lighter weight than most other leg exercises. Using a weight that is too heavy may cause pain in the kneecaps.
Barbell Lunge Instead of holding two dumbbells at arms’ length by your sides, rest a barbell across your shoulders. Compared to barbell lunges, dumbbell lunges make it easier to maintain balance.
barbell lunge
Additional variations:
Walking lunge: Instead of returning to the same start position, do a lunge walk. Perform lunges, one leg after another, so that you walk the length of the gym f l oor (or a parking lot or f i eld). Smith machine lunge: This is similar to the barbell lunge, but the machine provides stability and balance.

Lying Leg Curl

lying leg curl
1. Lie facedown on the machine and hook your heels under the roller pads.
2. Curl the weight by bending your knees, and raise your heels toward your buttocks.
3. Lower the weight back down to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Hamstrings.
Secondary: Gluteals, calf muscles.
Anatomic Focus
Foot position: Pointing your toes straight (a) targets all three hamstring muscles. Pointing the toes inward (b) emphasizes the inner hamstrings (semimembranosus and semitendinosus), whereas pointing the toes outward (c) focuses effort on the outer hamstrings (biceps femoris). Keeping your ankles bent at 90 degrees (dorsifl exed) minimizes contribution from the calf muscles and thereby helps isolate the hamstrings. Pointing your feet (tiptoe position) allows the calf muscles to participate in the exercise.
foot position hamstrings
Foot spacing: Placing your feet hip-width apart is the standard position. Wide foot spacing targets the inner hamstrings (semimembranosus and semitendinosus), whereas narrow foot spacing emphasizes effort of the outer hamstrings (biceps femoris). Foot spacing is limited by the size of the roller pad.
Body position: The padded surface of most machines is angled at hip level, bending your torso forward slightly. This body position tilts your pelvis and stretches the hamstrings, thereby helping isolate the muscles. Keep your spine straight, and do not raise your chest upward.
Range of motion: Bend your knees as far as possible during the upward phase. Stop a few degrees short of full extension at the bottom to keep tension on the hamstrings and minimize stress across the knee joint.
Resistance: Resistance is fairly uniform, but on many new machines the resistance is lower at the start position, where the hamstrings are fully stretched and most vulnerable to injury.
Seated leg curl: The upright backrest of the seated leg curl machine creates a 90-degree hip fl exion angle between your torso and thighs. While this body position affords a greater stretch, it prevents the hip extension that is required for a maximum contraction in the hamstrings.

Standing Leg Curl

standing leg curl
1. Hook one heel under the roller pad, and support your weight with the other leg.
2. Curl the weight by bending your knee, raising your heel toward your buttock.
3. Lower the weight back down to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Hamstrings.
Secondary: Gluteals, calf muscles.
Anatomic Focus
Foot position: Pointing your toes straight down (a) targets all three hamstring muscles. Pointing the toes inward (b) tends to emphasize the inner hamstrings (semimembranosus and semitendinosus), whereas pointing the toes outward (c) focuses effort on the outer hamstrings (biceps femoris). Keeping your ankles bent at 90 degrees (dorsifl exed) minimizes contribution from the calf muscles and thereby helps isolate the hamstrings.
foot position
Body position: The padded surface of most machines is angled at hip level, bending your torso forward slightly. This body position tilts your pelvis and stretches the hamstrings, thereby helping to isolate the muscles. Depending on the machine design, your supporting leg may take a standing or kneeling position (see the Variation section).
Range of motion: Bend your knees as full as possible during the upward phase. Stop a few degrees short of full extension at the bottom to keep tension on the hamstrings and minimize stress across the knee joint.
Resistance: In contrast to the lying leg curl, the standing leg curl is performed one leg at a time, which helps muscle isolation and focus.Resistance is fairly uniform, but on many new machines the resistance is lower at the start position when the hamstrings are fully stretched and most vulnerable to injury.
Kneeling leg curl: Using this machine, your nonworking leg is supported by kneeling on a pad, and your torso is supported on your elbows. Because your torso is bent forward at the waist, the hamstrings are stretched—an advantage over the exercise on the standing leg curl machine.

Stiff-Leg Deadlift

stiff-leg deadlift
1. Stand upright with feet directly below your hips, holding a barbell at arms’ length.
2. Bend forward at the waist, lowering the weight down but keeping your legs stiff.
3. Stop before the weight touches the fl oor, and raise it back up.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Hamstrings, gluteals.
Secondary: Spinal erectors, quadriceps.
Anatomic Focus
Foot spacing: Position feet directly below the hips. A wide stance places more emphasis on the inner hamstrings.
Foot position: Point toes directly forward or slightly out.
Grip: Hands should be spaced shoulder-width apart so that the arms hang vertical and hands pass along the outer thighs. An over–under grip with one palm facing forward and the other facing back prevents the bar from rolling.
Trajectory: The bar should travel straight up and down, close to the body.
Body position: Knees may be slightly bent but should be kept stiff in order to isolate the hamstrings. Keep your back straight throughout the movement. Performing this exercise with the balls of both feet on a half-inch-thick (1.3 cm) weight plate is a safe way to prestretch the hamstrings.
Range of motion: Lower the weight until your hamstrings reach full stretch without rounding your spine. There is no need to perform this exercise while standing on a bench or block as a means of increasing the range of motion. When your pelvis achieves full forward tilt, the hamstrings are at full stretch. Bending your lower spine does not have any effect on the hamstrings or increase the range of downward motion. Rounding your lower spine merely increases the risk of injury. Depending on your fl exibility, the barbell should be lowered to a point below your knees or just above the ankles.
Resistance: The stiff-leg deadlift for hamstrings requires a lighter weight than that used during the traditional powerlift for strengthening the lower back (see here).
Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift
You can also perform this exercise while holding a dumbbell in each hand at arms’ length.
dumbbell stiff- leg deadlift

Standing Calf Raise

standing calf raise
1. Stand with your toes on the platform and shoulders under the pads, and lower your heels as far as possible for a full stretch.
2. Lift the weight by raising your heels as high as possible, keeping your legs straight.
3. Slowly lower your heels back down to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Gastrocnemius.
Secondary: Soleus.
Anatomic Focus
Foot position: Pointing your toes straight ahead (a) targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. Pointing your toes outward (b) emphasizes the inner (medial) head, whereas pointing your toes inward (c) targets the outer (lateral) head.
calves foot position
Foot spacing: Positioning your feet hip-width apart targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. A wide stance (a) tends to emphasize the inner (medial) head, whereas a narrow stance (b) targets the outer (lateral) head.
Body position: Keep your knees stiff and back straight. Keeping your knees locked straight stretches the gastrocnemius, which helps to focus effort on the gastrocnemius and minimizes soleus action. If your knees bend, the soleus is allowed to contribute to the movement.
Range of motion: To maximize the range of motion, aim for a full stretch at the bottom and full squeeze at the top. a b c a b
Smith machine raise: You can perform this exercise at the Smith machine while standing on a thick block of wood.
One-leg calf raise: Perform calf raises one leg at a time, holding a dumbbell in your hand on the same side.

Donkey Calf Raise

Donkey calf raise
1. Place your toes on a block, lean forward while supporting your torso on the bench, and lower your heels as far as possible.
2. Lift the weight by raising your heels up as high as you can, keeping your legs straight.
3. Slowly lower your heels down to the start position.
Muscles Involved
Primary: Gastrocnemius.
Secondary: Soleus. Anatomic
Focus Foot position: Pointing your toes straight ahead (a) targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. Pointing your toes out (b) emphasizes the inner (medial) head, whereas pointing your toes inward (c) targets the outer (lateral) head.
Foot spacing: Positioning your feet hip-width apart targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. A wide stance emphasizes the inner (medial) head, whereas a narrow stance targets the outer (lateral) head.
Body position: Keep your spine straight and torso parallel to the fl oor. Keeping your knees fully straight helps isolate the